
CB005.2.21.081 PathwaYs of bOrderless cUlTure and History - YOUTH

Project Activities

  1. Organization and management;
  2. Information and publicity
  3. Construction of walking path, leading to the "Old Bridge" tourist site and elements of the urban environment for development of recreation and tourism
  4. Execution of site supervision, author`s supervision and investment control. Putting the objects into exploatation;
  5. Construction of new facilities, cycling routes and walking paths leading to the natural site "“Ozan Ağacı” (300 year-old oak) " - Stage 1 – Inece;
  6. Preparation and realization of an outdoor photo exhibition in the newly built walking path in the town of Svilengrad;
  7. Supply of equipment to increase the tourist attractiveness of the sites
  8. Official opening of the walking path in the town of Svilengrad. Organization of events
  9. Official opening of the walking path leading to natural and historical site “Ozan Ağacı”. Organizing events.
  10. Translation and interpretation

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